Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sticker Shock from Hell!!!

I never had sticker shock like that before.

Last week, I received my e-bill from CMP, and was shocked to see my electric bill went up from 40 dollars to 170! Yeah 170! Now I realize that 30 of that was from my old apartment and 20 was for relocating service, but even still… that means my bill was really about 110 bucks!

So basically I started doing some research. First thing I did was check to see what my refrigerator was set at, and it was set to 9 – the coldest setting possible. So I turned that down. I also realized that my water was scalding hot. So I called my landlord and asked him to check my water heater – it was set to 150 degrees! At least 50 degrees warmer that it should have been – and – it’s not insulated. So he turned the temp down on that to around 95-100 degrees, and I’ll be order a insulation kit to insulate it next month. Hopefully the steps I’ve taken will drop my electric bill. If it doesn’t, I’ll have to see if I can get an electrician in here to test the wiring.

What else is going on… Won another Scrabble game against my club director – managed to outsmart her a couple of times to win.

I’m starting a weekly trivia contest at work, with prizes at the end of NEXT year – yep 52 weeks of trivia.