Saturday, January 20, 2007

Why do people do that?

I haven't figured this one out.

I chat with people on line (who doesn't), but I've run across this phenomenon.

I've actually received and IM from someone that said "Hi", I said "Hello" back to them, and then they tell me "Can't chat now, can we chat later?"

Now.... If you contact ME and say "Hi", I assume that you want to chat. If you can't chat, then why do you IM someone in the first place?

Like I said, I haven't figured it out yet.....

Ready! Aim! Fire!

Not a weapon, but a camera. A Digital Camera to be exact.

I bought a HP Photoshare digicam for 99 bucks up at Wally World last night. Along with a camera case, rechargeable batteries, and a 1GB memory stick, I spent about 140 bucks all together. I worked 10 hours of OT at work, so I could afford it. I also got my tripod back from Heather.

In Scrabble News – I registered for a 7 Game tournament next Saturday. Sharon and I are gonna carpool down to Dover NH, and I hope to do well against the novice group.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Holy Crap!

That’s all I have to say about the weather. Well, actually I have more to say about it, but that sounded good.

As of 4:15pm it is 64 degrees outside. Not 46 – 64. That’s a 6 and a 4 side by side. IN JANUARY!

Now I’m all for warm weather… but IT’S FREAKING JANUARY! There should be a foot or two of snow outside my window, but I can actually see grass growing. It’s still green in January.

And people say that global warming doesn’t exist…. To quote Bill Cosby… “Riiiiiiight”…

Coolest. Idea. Ever.

I got an awesome idea yesterday.

I’ve looking to purchase a round shoulder bag to carry my Scrabble board around. sells round board carrier for $29.99+5.00 s&h. Looking at the pictures , I realized that the board carrier is basically a cymbal case. You know, like for a drum set.

So I strolled into “Music Maniac”, and look at the prices for cymbal cases. $19.99!

So basically, I bought a Scrabble bag for 20 bucks. I’m loving it.