Tuesday, September 16, 2003


Well It's been another long week at Domino's. I put in 60 hours last week (that's as much as I work in 2 weeks).

I can't believe how popular the Philly Cheese Steak pizza is over there, and I can't believe it'll be therr until November 2nd, and then it'll be GONE. Yes, Gone. Finito. To be no more. Is that a stupid way to market a product or what?

I could understand bringing it back next year during the beginning of footbal season (it woudl increase sales), but they aren't going to. What a great way to piss off new customers too... bring them in with a new pizza that tastes great, and ththen tell them that we are discontinuing it. Don't TPTB understand that's going to kill our sales? Oh well, I don't make the decisions, I just make the pizzas ....

In other news, I got myself and N64, but I'm still looking for Super Mario 64 to play. :/

My friends Heather and Chuck are safely moved into their new apartment, and Charlie (their son) is in the first grade.

And I also picked up a few comic books. Not action type comics like Superman or X-Men. I'm talking comics that make you laugh. I've talked about pvponline.com before here, and Scott Kurtz now publishes a comic book through Image Comics, and it is hilarious.

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