Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Peter Jennings (1938-2005)

3 days ago, ABC News anchor Peter Jennings died of lung cancer.

To those that know me, they know that I don't watch the news. I'll occasionally read articles on the net, or read the daily paper, but I don't watch local news.

But if I ever did watch the evening news, I watched ABC. Peter Jennings reported every major world event, and also stories that no one else would touch. I felt that he lent a air of confidence and calmness during the news. I remember watching the aftermath of the Challenger explosion at night after going home. To a kid whose interests were computers, math, and the space program, he was an emotional center that a 13 yr old needs.

I just finished watching "Peter Jennings: Reporter" on ABC. It's not often that any program will captivate me to to point where I won't eat anything, drink something, or have something turn my attention away from what I'm watching. But for ABC to air a 2-hour, no commerical retrospective, was a fitting way to remeber a great anchor and a great reporter.

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