Sunday, February 05, 2006

WOW. Not World of Warcraft

Found a TON of cool links for stuff.

I’m into cryptography.  Letter frequencies, word patterns, cryptograms, Scrabble (which I believe is the ultimate combination of math and English), sudoku (number logic puzzles), WWII era cipher machines – you name it, and I’m pretty much into it.  

I had a roundabout way of getting to I was doing searches for “The Beast” which was a online murder mystery the ran as an advertisement for “AI Artificial Intelligence”. That in turn led me to the new Mission Impossible 3 game that starts up on Monday.  And from there I decided to go to the Da Vinci Code movie website.  And from there I find out that Dan Brown (the author of “The Da Vinci Code”) put a reference the Kryptos cipher (located at the CIA) into the illustration on the dust cover of the hardcover books.  So I finally get to, and I hit a virtual jackpot of cryptographic goodness.

Here are some fun links:

What nerdier than Nintendo? How About Acapella Nintendo

Cool Optical Illusion


Coolest Rube Goldberg Commercial… ever…

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