Monday, March 27, 2006

Scrabble again - and other stuff

Well had another Scrabble meeting tonight – and it looks like I’m the only one that’s going to try to get to the Boston Regionals as a Newcomer this year.

I’m hoping to be able to head down at the end of next month on Saturday, and play 6 games in the day and then head back up.  I want to have enough to buy some Protiles and a bag for them.

Also joined the ISC – Internet Scrabble Club, and played a couple games tonight.  

Through them I found a TON of Scrabble websites devoted to wordlists, stems, hooks, and just about every statistic know to Scrabble.

I hope I can do well in the tournament.  I’m still learning my 2’s and my 2 to make 3’s as well.

I need to learn my Bingo prone tiles as well.  I’m pretty good at balancing my rack, but I need to work on my playing speed.

Hopefully I’ll be able to print out some helpers at work next week.

Speaking of work – I finally got my raise – up to $10.20 and hour, and I had an excellent review.  Marlene and Teri are looking into the 7 weeks of retro pay that the bank owes me from my merit promotion.

So thing are going well here in Maine – It’ll be nice when summer hits too (

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