Wednesday, January 21, 2004

3rd Execution - Stephen

Well, he said it himself. "I SUCK at this game!"

The mole is definitely Dennis or Tracey. And the thing that suck is that I captured the episode, but had my mixer set to the Microphone, and not Line-IN. Which sucks because you can't hear the actual game that well, but is kinda cool, considering I have a running audio commentary of me talking to the computer.

Yeah it's a bit schizoid, but oh well.. that's me :)

And I was watching "The Daily Show" a couple nights ago, and they had a US ambassador on, and she said something that really freaked me out. She was talking about terrorism and being afraid, and she said "Fear is the mind-killer".

Fear is the mind-killer? Wow.. a politician that like science fiction! That's from Frank Herbert's Dune - probably one of the best SF books ever published. I thought it was kind of cool....

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