Sunday, December 24, 2006

Adventures in Pee and Poo

I love my friends.

I was kind enough to babysit my goddaughter/godson while they finished off their Christmas shopping on Friday.

Not 25 minutes after they left, Annalisa started to cry and fidget, so I took her out of her crib and started rocking her. I then felt the warm trickle of baby pee on my thigh...

So began my adventure!

I figured "Oh well" and went to get her a diaper so I could change her. As I went into her room... I stepped on something really really nasty and squishy. Turns out that Millie (the dog) decided to take a crap in her bedroom, and my foot found it. Thank God I had socks on.

Now, I'm off to play "Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego?"

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