Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our dogma got ran over by someone’s karma…

Well.  This was an interesting day.

Stayed the night at Chuck and Heather’s house and set out for Funtown.  We were having a great time, and we got there and… It was closed due to the weather.  Which I call bullshit on.  It was overcast – that was it.

So we shake off the disappointment of the Non-Funtown day, and decide to goto the Children’s Museum in Portland. we get there and… you guessed it… Closed.

So we figure, might as well go to the Maine Mall.  As we pull up to the mall at 11:30, Peaches says, “Watch the mall not be open until noon, and we end up waiting for a half-hour.  And LOOK!  New Mall Hours sunday 12-6…

Sigh..  But all was not lost.  Annie got a build-a-bear (technically a lamb named Lilly),  Charlie got a Guinea Pig Webkins, and I got me a new laptop bag. 

But I REALLY wanted to ride Excalibur……

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Seriously, PETA?

You are making a huge flap over a fly? A common household insect that people for centuries have been killing using flyswatter and newspapers?

I understand your position, I really do – I don’t like seeing animals being abused or hurt because of incompetent owners.  I don’t like inhumane treatment of animals.

But, C’MON!  It. Was. A. Fly.

Let me put it this way.  1 million African babies and children die from malaria spread by mosquitoes every year.  There is NO CURE for malaria. If you were in a room with malaria-infested mosquitoes, are you sure you wouldn’t kill them to save your life?  I know I wouldn’t hesitate to swat a few.

How about lyme disease? A tick-borne disease that, if not caught in time, can lead to a life of memory loss, sleep disorders, hallucinations and decreased consciousness.  Would you kill a tick to prevent yourself from years of suffering?

Again, I’m all for humane treatment of animals.  But there is a fine line between reasonable and irrational.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Announcement! is live!

To anyone who wants to read my blog and earlier entries can go to to access my piece of the web.

It took a while to setup, but it’s finally redirecting to the right place.

And the price for the domain is only $9.99 a year.  Not bad for a little piece of the internet.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

in which i perform major surgery… of sorts..

Chuck’s laptop died. 

Won’t boot.  Can’t reset to factory defaults.  Dead.

So I’ve been working on removing his hard drive, hooking up to my desktop and recovering any data off his computer.

So far so good.  We managed to do that, and take his laptop back to Best Buy for repairs.

Hopefully everything will work out, and they won’t have to reformat his hard drive to recover his computer.