Thursday, June 18, 2009

Seriously, PETA?

You are making a huge flap over a fly? A common household insect that people for centuries have been killing using flyswatter and newspapers?

I understand your position, I really do – I don’t like seeing animals being abused or hurt because of incompetent owners.  I don’t like inhumane treatment of animals.

But, C’MON!  It. Was. A. Fly.

Let me put it this way.  1 million African babies and children die from malaria spread by mosquitoes every year.  There is NO CURE for malaria. If you were in a room with malaria-infested mosquitoes, are you sure you wouldn’t kill them to save your life?  I know I wouldn’t hesitate to swat a few.

How about lyme disease? A tick-borne disease that, if not caught in time, can lead to a life of memory loss, sleep disorders, hallucinations and decreased consciousness.  Would you kill a tick to prevent yourself from years of suffering?

Again, I’m all for humane treatment of animals.  But there is a fine line between reasonable and irrational.

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