Sunday, December 24, 2006
Adventures in Pee and Poo
I was kind enough to babysit my goddaughter/godson while they finished off their Christmas shopping on Friday.
Not 25 minutes after they left, Annalisa started to cry and fidget, so I took her out of her crib and started rocking her. I then felt the warm trickle of baby pee on my thigh...
So began my adventure!
I figured "Oh well" and went to get her a diaper so I could change her. As I went into her room... I stepped on something really really nasty and squishy. Turns out that Millie (the dog) decided to take a crap in her bedroom, and my foot found it. Thank God I had socks on.
Now, I'm off to play "Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego?"
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Hey, You Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuys!
Wow – talk about brining back memories. I’m a fan of Tom Lehrer (“Poisoning Pigeons in the Park”, “The Elements”), and Back in the late 70’s when I was watching EC on a daily basis (can annoying my Mom, as well, so I scored on 2 fronts), I didn’t know he did music for them. The “L-Y” song and “Silent E” are two of my all-time faces from EC.
Along with Joan Rivers doing the voiceovers for “The Adventures of Letterman”, and Gene Wilder providing Letterman’s voice! I didn’t pick up the connection until I saw the show on Friday.
I think there is a “Best of” DVD coming out soon – I plan on picking it up (
Monday, December 04, 2006
Snow 1 - Me 0
First off, I’ve never been fond of winter. I don’t like being cold, and I really don’t like being cold outside. But on the other hand, I do like it when the snow is falling. It’s peaceful and serene, and I like that.
Second, it seems that once it starts snowing and icing over, the entire State of Maine forgets how to drive. I’ve only had my license back for about a year, so I’m still a bit leery about driving in the winter. I’ve how some of these idiots drive in this town, and frankly, it scares the shit out of me.
So like I said – mixed feelings about the whole winter thing.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Sticker Shock from Hell!!!
Last week, I received my e-bill from CMP, and was shocked to see my electric bill went up from 40 dollars to 170! Yeah 170! Now I realize that 30 of that was from my old apartment and 20 was for relocating service, but even still… that means my bill was really about 110 bucks!
So basically I started doing some research. First thing I did was check to see what my refrigerator was set at, and it was set to 9 – the coldest setting possible. So I turned that down. I also realized that my water was scalding hot. So I called my landlord and asked him to check my water heater – it was set to 150 degrees! At least 50 degrees warmer that it should have been – and – it’s not insulated. So he turned the temp down on that to around 95-100 degrees, and I’ll be order a insulation kit to insulate it next month. Hopefully the steps I’ve taken will drop my electric bill. If it doesn’t, I’ll have to see if I can get an electrician in here to test the wiring.
What else is going on… Won another Scrabble game against my club director – managed to outsmart her a couple of times to win.
I’m starting a weekly trivia contest at work, with prizes at the end of NEXT year – yep 52 weeks of trivia.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Final Moving Update.. and other Stuff!
It's got 2 bedrooms (I'm using one as an actual bedroom, and the other one as a computer room/library), and a living room (I'll be able to put a surround sound system in within a few months), a kitchenette (with NO counter space), and a full bathroom (only downside there is that the ceiling is slanted, so I've actually hit my head on the ceiling). But other than that, I absolutely LOVE my new place. I actually have room to walk around in, and it'll be nice to be able to have friends over and have ROOM for them as well.
In other news, the whole internet thing was a pain in the ass. Oxford Network managed to hook up my phone easily, but had a hell of a time running the CAT5 network cable from the box in the basement up to the 3rd floor. I was offline for about 2 weeks (tons of e-mail to catch up on), but I'm finally online again.
In the SCRABBLE world, I had 2 horrible weeks for games. in 3 weeks I had a 2 wins/4 losses record. I don't like that at all. I'm actually going to start creating my own study aides, using index cards. I'll probably have the SATINE, SATIRE, and SALINE stems, and a bunch of 7-letter high probability bingoes as well. I'm determined to play well in next year's Boston Area Tournament, so I really need to start studying for it now, so I'm prepared for it. I want to bat at least a .650 next year.
I'm really starting to become a self-described "word freak", looking at words and trying to anagram them, using LexPert and Zyzzyva to increase my knowledge and help retain words.
So basically, it's been words and work, work and words... And I'm pretty happy with that...
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Moving Update Number 3 :.
I've got MOST of my stuff packed - one corner of my kitchen is crammed with boxes. All my closets are cleaned out, I have a few more cords to zip tie, and most of my dishes are packed.
I need to pack my food in some boxes (so I can just grab and move it), and to finish clearing out the kitchen. Other than that, I'm just waiting now. I was hoping to start moving boxes tonight (my landlord need to clean the carpets), so at least the majority of my stuff is moved over, but so far, it's a no-go. Wednesday, I shouldbe able to move my 4 pieces of furniture over (bed, compter desk, entertainment center, and bookshelves) along with all the little stands that I have. And hopefully after that, I'll be golden.
So now it's a waiting game. I still have some stuff to pack, but I should be able to get that finished today.
I hate waiting....
Monday, September 04, 2006
Crikey... :(
The Croc Hunter died due to a stingray strike to the heart, on Monday morning, Austrailia Time,
Most of my friends couldn't stand the man - they said he was annoying and kinda crazy. I beg to differ. he was enthusiatic about animals and protecting them, and even though he was a bit daft sometimes, you cant knock the fact that he was THE expert on crocodiles.
He will be truly and sorely missed.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Moving Update Number 2!
Still throwing stuff out, but I’m actually getting things done! Go Figure! At the rate I’m going, I should be ready to move within a week or two. Moving on the 15th/16th should be a snap.
I’m really looking forward to this move. Just the fact that the apartment is going to be bigger is going to be well worth my time and effort. Found my “Cord Box” and got rid of all the old computer mice that I had in there. Wrapped up all my other cords, and repacked it. Also borrowed Heather’s Swiffer Sweeper so I can get all the dust from behind the entertainment center.
So although it’s slow going, I’m determined to have everything ready to go.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Movin' Update Number 1
I’m slowly making a dent out of all the stuff I’ve been accumulating. I emptied all but one of my bookshelves, so most of my books/DVD/CD’s are packed away for at least 2-3 weeks. Actually that helps a lot – considering that there is a TON of dust on the floor behind my entertainment center and stuff. I wrapped up as many cords as I could so far. Went over to Lowe’s and purchased a 500 zip ties. I needed them to bundle cords.
So I’ve got about 20 boxes so far – and I still have to clean out 2 closets worth of stuff as well.
More updates later. (
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I'm Moving!
My friend Bob (whom I worked with at Domino’s) owns the building, and I’ll be moving most of the month. I’ve already packed 5 boxes worth of DVD’s and CD, and I’m going to start packing books as well. Especially considering that I’m on vacation, I’ll have LOTS of time to go through all my belongings and figure out what needs to go with me and what I can toss.
So over the next few weeks, I’ll be packing, sorting and eventually – moving. Which is a great thing. 7 years ago when I moved into my current apartment, it was just the right size. And you know, it’s AMAZING how much crap accumulates over 7 years.
I have 2 closets to empty, and built in set of drawers to clear as well.
So I’ll be signing off for now, and I’ll try to update before and after the big move.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
More good shows!
“Daybreak” looks like the best new show to pop up. Taking LOST’s time slot after they air the first 7 episodes, Daybreak is a series like the movie “Groundhog Day”, but way more serious. A New York cop gets framed for the murder of a District Attorney, and he ends up reliving his day over and over again. This same plat device was used years ago on the FOX made for TV movie “12:01”, and hasn’t been used much since, (Although I do remember an episode of Xena that dealt with the repeating day thing).
“The Nine” looks good as well. Nine people are in a bank when it get robbed, and the series seems to follow their lives after they are rescued. Looks intriguing, with a lot of character focus.
“Traveler” is also up there. 3 friends go to visit a museum in New York. After 2 of them race through the museum and they exit, they call their friend Will Traveler, and then the museum explodes. The series is very much like “The Fugitive”, but then again “The Fugitive” is a classic series, so it should do well.
The one show that looks intriguing, but I’m kinda lukewarm about is “6 Degrees”. Produced by J.J. Abrams (Lost, Alias) it’s kinda like “6 Degrees of Separation” but in a series format. It looks ok, but after 2 action packed series, it’s odd seeing a straight drama out of him.
3.5 good shows – I’m gonna have to get a bigger hard drive :(
FINALLY joined the NSA – National Scrabble Association. I’m currently ranked 2458th in the US.
Beat my Club Director Sharon in a standard game! Last Sunday, I finished with 2 wins – 1 loss, and I bingoed twice in each game. And the last game was my highest scoring club game ever – 397 points.
Chuck and I joined up over at Planet Fitness. We’ve been going 3 nights a week, using the treadmills, weight equipment and trying to get back into shape. Amazingly, I can leg press 160 pounds, lateral pull 90 and work up a really good sweat. My arms are killing me tonight, but I have to keep reminding myself that it’ll all be worth it in the long run.
Charlotte is finally completely moved into her new apartment. It took 2 weeks (and MANY trips in my car) but it’s done. And as a thank you, she gave me Trivial Pursuit – The Vintage Years. Another TP game to add to my growing collection.
Vacation in 6 days! Taking a week off, and an extra day because of Labor Day, so I’m really looking forward to it.
I’m hoping to pay ahead on my rent for the next 8 weeks, so I can save up some money for a trip to Massachusetts. I can pay 297 every two weeks, and I’ll be golden.
Finally picked up MacGyver Season 2, 9 Samurai Movies, the complete Victory at Sea documentaries, Superman, and Eddie Murphy’s Raw. Lotsa viewing.
So far so good – I hope to update this more regularly, so stay tuned.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
They Say Competitive Eating is a sport...
I’m all for eating contests, but the Hot Dog eating contest at Nathan’s is just completely sick.
One guy was literally SHAKING after eating 40 dogs, and he’s still kept going.
ESPN (of all stations) aired this as a Live event from Nathan’s Hot Dogs. Competitive Eating, which is mindless eating, and Poker, which has no physicality to it, are considered “Sports “ but Scrabble isn’t? Scrabble falls into the poker category, because it’s a mind game, and much more cerebral than Poker is anyways.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Matrix, here I Come :)
All I need now is a third digital monitor, and I’ll have a Matrix-Style setup. (
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Check my custom.... Board (with apologies to the Beach Boys)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
From the "You have got to be kidding files"...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Associated Press
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A man who was beaten by employees of a store he was trying to rob is now suing.
Police say Dana Buckman entered the AutoZone in Rochester, New York, last July, brandished a semi-automatic pistol and demanded cash.
That's when employees Eli Crespo and Jerry Vega beat him with a pipe and held Buckman at bay with his own gun.
Buckman escaped when they retreated into the store to call 911, but he was arrested a week later. He pleaded guilty to first-degree robbery and was sentenced to 18 years in prison as a repeat violent felon.
Now Buckman is suing the auto parts store and the two employees who beat him, claiming they committed assault and battery and intentionally inflicted emotional distress.
1 Year of Scrabble....

Tomorrow is big day.
It marks the 1 year anniversary of the Auburn Scrabble Club, and I’ll finally be creating my custom round rotating scrabble board. It’s not as nice as the one in the picture above, but it’ll do the trick until I can get it sanded and painted.
I’m hoping to have a two-tone paint scheme, maybe a design on the sides and top in one color, and the rest of the board in a different color as well.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Avatar - and of course, Scrabble
First, I’ve never been a huge fan of Nickelodeon Studios animation. I liked Hey Arnold and Rocko’s Modern Life, but that’s about it.
Until today.
I saw “Avatar: The Last Airbender” today, and I have to say – WOW. This is the BEST stuff to come out of Nick Studios in years.
It’s the story of a young man name Aang that has the power to manipulate air. Think Captain Planet and the Planeteers, but without the rings or tree-hugging message.
The animation is not true anime (the animation is done stateside), but it looks like it come out of Japan. It’s very similar to the style from Kiki’s Delivery Service, and it looks fantastic. The plot is very mature (not sexually, but more so in an adolescent nature), especially considering it’s Nick fare, and the voice acting is great.
Second – I’m a word freak.
Anyone who reads this blog knows that I love to play Scrabble. And now I’ve gone as far to create an Excel spreadsheet with to help with board layouts, score sheet, tile tracking AND a column to write notes during a game.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Boston Area Tournament!

BAT 2006… Wow… What a cool experience.
Went down to Westford on Saturday – after spending the night in Portsmouth Friday Night. Had a complete blast playing in my first ever Scrabble tournament.
I ended up placing 8th out of 12 players, with a Win/Loss record of 3/3 and I accomplished what I set out to do – Go home either breaking even or with more wins than losses.
Picked up a Pocket SamTimer and a set of Protiles. And I played the highest scoring non-bingo word – RELAX – for 81 points, and won a customized BAT 25th 2006 tilebag. Sherri St. John makes them for prizes - it’s a faux suede bag – looks and feels real nice.
I can’t wait until next year – I’ll be playing in the big tournament. There were about 200 people playing, and it was an incredible sight to see. Custom round boards, customized racks, and incredibly quiet! But I think I can do well in the Division D Tourney.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
919! Woo Hoo!
They raised over $5500 for the Literacy Volunteers of Androscoggin County, and they might even hit $6000 with the uncollected pledges..
Our social team – All A-Board – placed 2nd in our division with a 3- round combined score for 916 points!
It was a blast. Played 2 bingos and a HUGE Double Word/Triple Letter play that netted us 82 points. I had a lot of fun, and can’t wait until next year’s tournament.
Speaking of which – I’m on vacation this week and am gearing up for the 25th Boston Area Scrabble Tournament. I’ll post on my results next Sunday morning (
Monday, March 27, 2006
Violent TV Video Games! News at 11!
Why is it that every Cop/Robber show has to show video game violence in the most extremely worst possible circumstances?
I know of 4 shows on TV that have gone with the whole violent video game angle.
Now I’m all for making sure that violent video games are kept out of the hands of kids. Children have NO need to have that type of violence in their young lives. It’s stupid, moronic, and completely irresponsible of retailers and parents if they let them get into a child’s hand.
The Columbine tragedy had links to Doom and Doom II (supposedly the two teenagers that were responsible created a mapfile that was a duplicate of the Columbine School), and there are other cases where video games have been linked to violence. But I think that what a lot of people (including the media and the parents involved) are overlooking, is the fact that these kids have been bullied, rejected, outcast, or they might have had a chemical imbalance that was present BEFORE the introduction of the violent video games into their psyche. Did the game trigger it? Possibly. There’s no proof that they cause violence, but wouldn’t you think that if your kid was depressed, bullied, beat up, or outcast that those items are MORE prevalent in the kid’s life than the video game?
People are so quick to judge, and want to point finger so quickly that they don’t get all the information they need before making an informed decision. Look at ESRB ratings. Find a demo of the game and play it before you get it for you kids, and THEN make the decision whether or not your child is mature enough to play the game/
When programs like CSI and Law and Order portray video games as violent and they CAUSE kids to become violent, I truly believe it does a great disservice to the video game community. And the community does things other than just make video games. The US Army uses videogames to train their soldiers to fight, and they use a modified version of the game Full Spectrum Warrior to train their officers to lead those troops. The guys over at Penny Arcade have a Non-Profit organization called Child’s Play. They collect games (of all types) to give to kids in the hospital that have terminal illnesses. Microsoft (as a company) does lots of charity work. I think it would be great to see a cop show go the CRAZY route and show video games in a better light.
And almost ALL of the developers want to make sure that violent videogames are kept out of kids hands.
I love Doom 3. Quake 4 is fantastic, and I think that the Grand Theft Auto series of games are some of the most innovative games to see the light of day. But I’m not a violent person. I put the game into context. They are GAMES. It’s fantasy. I might run over a pedestrian in Carmageddon, but I know if I do that in REAL LIFE, I’m going to prison for a long time.
So… are some video games violent? Absolutely. Do they cause people to become violent? No. Bottom line – keep them out of kids hands, and wait until they hare mentally capable of knowing the difference between fantasy and reality.
Scrabble again - and other stuff
I’m hoping to be able to head down at the end of next month on Saturday, and play 6 games in the day and then head back up. I want to have enough to buy some Protiles and a bag for them.
Also joined the ISC – Internet Scrabble Club, and played a couple games tonight.
Through them I found a TON of Scrabble websites devoted to wordlists, stems, hooks, and just about every statistic know to Scrabble.
I hope I can do well in the tournament. I’m still learning my 2’s and my 2 to make 3’s as well.
I need to learn my Bingo prone tiles as well. I’m pretty good at balancing my rack, but I need to work on my playing speed.
Hopefully I’ll be able to print out some helpers at work next week.
Speaking of work – I finally got my raise – up to $10.20 and hour, and I had an excellent review. Marlene and Teri are looking into the 7 weeks of retro pay that the bank owes me from my merit promotion.
So thing are going well here in Maine – It’ll be nice when summer hits too (
Sunday, February 12, 2006
There was a meeting tonight, although it was just myself and lady who runs the chapter. It’s snowing like crazy, but since it was over at the Auburn PD, it was easy to get to.
I’m going to join the NSA tomorrow, because there is a tournament in April down in Boston, that I’m going to try to attend. The Scrabble for Literacy is being held at the Hilton in April, and I’m also hoping to get some people from work involved – I’d like to see us have 2 or 3 teams play this year.
I’m just stoked that there is organized play in the area. The NSA has also added 5 new two letter words to the play list, with 2 in particular that will change the face of the game.
QI and QIS n. the vital force that in Chinese is thought is inherent in all things. – and
ZA and ZAS n. a pizza
These two words alone will make thousands of play possibilities in game. The only 2 letters that DO NOT have a 2-letter play in them are C and V. I can’t wait until I can play some more games. They meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month, so I’ll have to only play D&D every other week. But that’s OK, I’m going to have a blast playing Scrabble for a while.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Computer... computer.. computer
I did a MAJOR upgrade to my computer – Bought a 256MB video card, 1GB of ram, and also a S-Video to Composite converter.
I can finally watch movies on my TV! Looks fantastic too.
And my games run great! I love my computer now (
Monday, February 06, 2006
The mission - should you be able to log on and do anything...
Mission Impossible 3’s HUNT started at 8:00pm EST. It’s now 9:35, and it’s STILL not up and running.
The site – is not up – and Chat is wonky at best.
Did the admin’s not do a stress test on the game before launch? There were only 120 people in the chat room, and I can’t possibly believe that 120 people crashed a server – considering over 30,000 people signed up for the game.
I find this comparable to the stress test I did for Star Wars Galaxies during their closed beta – The admin’s would tell us in the chat room to all try to log in at once and see how long it took the servers to crash – just so they could figure out the bugs BEFORE the game went live. The only problem is – they are supposed to be live NOW. This should have been taken care of at least a month or 2 ago – either in house or as a closed beta.
But when you (as a company) promise to have a site up and running – especially when there are actual prizes on the line – I find it inexcusable to have this many problems on day one of a game. 1 Hour and 45 minutes into the game, and no one has even see what the screen looks like yet (as far as I know).
I do hope that the admin’s figure out what’s wrong and then fix it, because I like stuff like this, and it would be a shame to see an opportunity like this to go to down the tubes.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
WOW. Not World of Warcraft
I’m into cryptography. Letter frequencies, word patterns, cryptograms, Scrabble (which I believe is the ultimate combination of math and English), sudoku (number logic puzzles), WWII era cipher machines – you name it, and I’m pretty much into it.
I had a roundabout way of getting to I was doing searches for “The Beast” which was a online murder mystery the ran as an advertisement for “AI Artificial Intelligence”. That in turn led me to the new Mission Impossible 3 game that starts up on Monday. And from there I decided to go to the Da Vinci Code movie website. And from there I find out that Dan Brown (the author of “The Da Vinci Code”) put a reference the Kryptos cipher (located at the CIA) into the illustration on the dust cover of the hardcover books. So I finally get to, and I hit a virtual jackpot of cryptographic goodness.
Here are some fun links:
What nerdier than Nintendo? How About Acapella Nintendo
Cool Optical Illusion
Coolest Rube Goldberg Commercial… ever…
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Tax time!
That’ll get my windshield fixed, my brakes fixed, with LOTS of money left over for setting aside for my next set of insurance payments.
I hope to get some RAM, and a new video card for the computer. I figure if I can bump my RAM to 1 gig, I’ll be fine.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tons of stuff happening lately
Some fortunate soul on the newsgroups has posted the first 6 seasons of DS9 for my viewing pleasure – and what a pleasure it’s been, I just finished the first season about 5 minutes ago.
Haven’t been sleeping well at all lately, I’m taking Flexerall for my back to help me sleep at night, but I’m still not feeling rested when I wake up. Even my supervisor commented that I looked real tired.
Got a new temp yesterday – and she’s keying in monetary already. I hoping she’s a keeper – she seems real excited about working for Banknorth. From what I understand – she called her and told her she was excited because she had a cubicle! Hehe.. It’s nice to see that type of enthusiasm for a job. And she cute too, which helps my disposition as well.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
I have love/hate relationship with Winter...
But on the other hand, I hate winter. I can really get TOO cold (like today). I hate the ice that forms on my windshield – especially the ultra thin ice that take forever to scrape off. I hate having to wait 15 minutes before moving you car.
And I also hate ice. Mostly black ice. I was taking some laundry to a friend house, and while I was walking to their door, I didn’t realize that there was ice completely covering their driveway – at least not until I slipped, saw my feet in front of me and then landed with full force on my left arm. So right now, I’m in a bit of pain, but nothing some ibuprofen can’t fix…
I love my job
7 Above and Beyond awards in a year. 3 raises. Unofficial Lead clerk for my group. And paid holidays. I love my job. I have a 3-day weekend and I’m planning on enjoying every minute of it.
Heading over to my friend Phil’s to play D20 Star Wars, and then back home to do some needed tidying up of the place. Monday is an relax, play video games, watch movies day (although I am watching Raiders of the Lost Ark as I type this), and this Friday is Payday. Lotsa overtime this past couple weeks, so I should be able to play some of my rent, pay on my car, and pay my last insurance installment this check as well. And I MAY pick up World of Warcraft. My friend Jeff and Ben play it and want to suck me into their evil plan of getting me addicted to it. I’ll think about it for a while.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Blogger without logging..
Well. Here I am trying out the new “Blogger for Word” that Blogger is offering. Also signed up for Yahoo 360 today. They have a blog on there as well, but all my post are at blogspot already, so I made one post – “Check out my active blog at” Sorry Yahoo, you’re a great site with some good products – but I’ll keep my blogger.