Wednesday, April 30, 2003

T-minus 28 hours and counting. I am so psyched for the X-Men sequel.

Now i'm wondering - with The Hulk, Spiderman 2 (sometime with the next 2 years), Matrix Reloaded (which was conceived as a comic book) and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.. Is the movie market becoming saturated with Comic Book Movies too quickly?

My take on this is this - As long as the sequels are not just cheesy knock-offs trying to make a buck off mass-advertising and promotional tie-ins (like Batman and it's no-so-great sequels) - and they make a good story that people care about, then more power to them. But I just hope and pray that they DON'T follow in Batman's footsteps (wingprints?), and that they make great movies... not just schlock too make money.

Ok... On the left of the screen are links to MobyGames (a great videogame database that I'm proud to have a hand in) and I urge everyone who reads this to go to, download the client and help find a cure for cancer or smallpox. It works whenever your computer goes idle contains no spyware (although a select few ads are on screen while the screensaver is running). And if you want, search for TeamMobyGames and join up with us. This is especially good if you have a DSL/Cable modem connection (i.e. your service is always connected). Help make a difference.

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