Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I'm Moving!

Well after at least 6 years in my current, small VERY cramped apartment, I’m moving to a 3rd floor, 2 bedroom Apartment in Auburn.

My friend Bob (whom I worked with at Domino’s) owns the building, and I’ll be moving most of the month. I’ve already packed 5 boxes worth of DVD’s and CD, and I’m going to start packing books as well. Especially considering that I’m on vacation, I’ll have LOTS of time to go through all my belongings and figure out what needs to go with me and what I can toss.

So over the next few weeks, I’ll be packing, sorting and eventually – moving. Which is a great thing. 7 years ago when I moved into my current apartment, it was just the right size. And you know, it’s AMAZING how much crap accumulates over 7 years.

I have 2 closets to empty, and built in set of drawers to clear as well.

So I’ll be signing off for now, and I’ll try to update before and after the big move.

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