Saturday, May 08, 2004

Cool Connections

Just finished watching the teaser trailer for "The Terminal" Spielberg's next movie. This.. looks... fantastic. Tom Hanks (again), is the lead in this true story about a man who - because of a bureaucratic glitch - couldn't leave JFK International Airport. It looks fantastic and looks like a lot of fun.

Another connection I found. The guy who played "Sapito" in Raiders of the Lost Ark - in the beginning of the movie - played none other than Doctor Octopus in the new Spider-Man Movie. Now THAT'S Cool. Can't wait to see that.

A few movies I want to see this summer/fall - I, Robot (Will Smith) - Van Helsing - Garfield - The Terminal - Spiderman 2 - Shrek 2 - Troy - The Day After Tomorrow - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Around the World in 80 Days - King Arthue - The Bourne Supremacy - The Village (M. Night Shyamalan's New movie) - The Manchurian Candidate - Thunderbirds (Directed by Jonathan Frakes) - Aliens vs. Predator (awesome) - The Incredibles (PIXAR's new movie) and in December - Ocean's Twelve. Looks like a great year for movies.

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