Friday, May 07, 2004

Wow! I can actually see the screen!

Finally bought a decent monitor up at Wal-Mart yesterday. 17-inch Monitor (16 inch viewable), and it looks fantastic. no more bleeding blue colors! Also picked up Trival Pursit Genus 6 - so Chuck and I have a decent shot at a trivia baseball game.

What's Trivia Baseball you ask? Easy. Take a Trivial Pursuit game, and get three players. One is the Referee, and the other two players are the two teams. The Ref asks all the questions on the card to the first team up. If the person answers correctly, that's a point - BUT - if they answer incorrectly, the opposing player gets a shot to steal the point. After 18 cards (9 innings) the team with the most points wins. If it's a tie, then go into extra innings (more cards). Chuck and I are pretty evenly matched.

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