Wednesday, November 05, 2008

In which I find out I can suspend a service...

I’m actually saving money this winter.

For the last 3 weeks, I think I’ve watched a total of 8 hours of TV.  Not that I don’t like watching TV – on the contrary – I love it.  NCIS, Heroes, Criminal Minds, Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters, these are a few of the shows I watch on a weekly basis. But lately, because of winter starting to settle in, I’ve been watching movies in my bedroom.  Which is the only room I heat during the winter, due to the fact I have to heat using electricity.

So I was agonizing over the fact that I wanted to get rid of my cable.  I haven’t been watching it, and It’s 70 a month that could go to heating this winter.  So I bit the bullet and went to TWC’s website to go about disconnecting my service. 

But a cool thing happened.

I found out about the Seasonal Suspension Plan.

Here’s how it works: There are a lot of older folks that live here in Maine during the Summer and then go to a place further south (usually Florida) during the winter. So TWC created a way to suspend your cable service while you aren’t living in the state!  Awesome!  It’s only $5 a month to suspend your cable, and then you choose the time when you want it turned back on.  So I figured I use it to suspend my cable during winter (when I’m not watching TV in my cold living room), and then turn it back on in April when it’s warming up again.

I’ll be saving $420 over the next 6 months – and it’ll all go to heating an medications. 


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