Thursday, March 26, 2009

ups and downs

12:00 noon - Feeling a bit better today.

Part of it being that I actually got in touch with my sister, Sherry last night through Facebook.  Sherry is one of the few people in my family that I’ve talk to in the past, and I’m really looking forward to getting back in touch with her and getting to know her again.  She’s surprised that I’m 35.  “You’re Old!” – that’s a direct quote. :)

I’m hoping that this’ll help me get out of this awful funk I’ve been in over the past week.  I hate feeling depressed.  I hate acting depressed and getting other people down.  I hate the thoughts that run through my head when I’m down (they aren’t fun).  Like I said, this happens every now and then, which is odd.  For the most part, I’m a pretty positive guy.  I’m not a optimist by any stretch of the imagination (I consider myself a realist), but I try to either be positive or at least put on a good fake face if I’m not.

But lately I’ve felt that the fake face isn’t cutting it.  Not talking at work.  Not singing along with music.  Not laughing at George Carlin (hard to believe that last one). 

I’m positive that it isn’t a chronic condition – I usually pull out of these funks after a few days… but this one kinda feels different… which worries me.

So what do I do?  Medicate?  God I hope not.  I have enough meds to worry about, and taking “happy” pills doesn’t exactly appeal to me.  It would be just another expense that I don’t need to pay.  Do I ignore it?  I could, but that might not be the best course of action – although in the past that’s worked.

9:07 – feeling a lot better. Talked with Peaches, and getting ready for my goddaughter birthday pj party!  And just feeling good.  Which is better than I have been feeling…

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I had a really sucky day.

It seems that this happens in every job I’ve ever held.  No matter what I do, I always end up doing something that…

I don’t know how to explain it.  I love my job.  But there are days that I just don’t give a flying fuck about it.  Today was one of those days.  I do my best to make sure the department runs smoothly, and it seems that I ALWAYS end up fucking things up and inserting my foot in my mouth.

I was depressed all day… I didn’t eat lunch (which is a bad thing for me)… I was mad at myself for being so down, and I know I didn’t come off as being in a good mood.  I wasn’t pissed or anything, but I didn’t talk all day (until I got reeled into a pizza conversation… which I’m kinda getting tired of – I don’t even work for Domino’s anymore)… 

I don’t know why this happens.  I’ll go months without being depressed.  But then all of a sudden, it’ll hit me, and I can’t do a damn thing about it.  I don’t think it’s clinical depression, only because it’s not all the time.  I’m pretty sure it’s normal to be in a funk, but for it to be such a deep funk so quickly… I don’t know what to think….

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I have one word to say about it.


I signed up for QuakeLive today, on a whim. I’m a decent FPS player – not pro by any stretch of the imagination – and I like to play Quake or HL2 on occasion.

Then I heard about QuakeLive, and decided to give it a shot.

And it rocks.  For a browser game, it set the bar so high, I don’t know of any other game that can come close to the professional quality that these guys have pulled together.

The first 10 minutes of the game is actually a tutorial.  Which also disguises the fact that while you play it, it’s 1) downloading the rest of the game and 2) assessing your ability so it can match you against players of your caliber. Pretty sneaky.

But through in a worldwide leaderboard, a friends leaderboard, chat functions, achievements, and statistics up the wazoo, and you have an excellent experience.

But throw in one of the smoothest browser shooters I’ve EVER seen, and you have yourself a very incredible experience.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

in which I get a review, and some interesting news…

Well my yearly review at the bank was yesterday.

Thank God it’s over. 

The crazy thing is that I worry about them.  I know that I am a valuable person in the department, and I feel I am well compensated for my work.  I truly love my job, and can’t think of any other job that I want to do.

That being said, I hate reviews.  I always get nervous, or worried that I’ve done something completely insane or wrong.  The sad thing is that it’s a complete carry-over from working in the fast food/food service industry.

You see, working in fast food is a very precarious career path.  Work Politics, performance, customer relations, speed of service, your ability to make change, all of this is woven into your performance review.  And I have held jobs where if you fail at a performance review, you gone. Right then.  No chance to work on your problems, no chance to at least see if you agree or disagree with your manager, no chance to improve your performance.  The majority of fast-food managers cut their losses and find someone to replace you.  It’s a very basic "If we don’t like you, you are gone” type of situation.

And even though in all my jobs, I’ve had decent to incredible reviews, there is always that sense of “I could fired today”. that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to completely shake off.

So with that being said, My review was outstanding.  I’m getting a raise again this year (which will help out, now that I have medication to buy), and my supervisor gave me some interesting news.

We are foreseeing a substantial increase in the amount of work that we will be getting once the merger between Commerce Bank and TD Banknorth happens this fall.  And increase of work more than likely means an increase in staff.  And when that happens they will need a “Team Lead” to be the liaison between the management and the monetary staff.

And Hope told me that when (not if) the monetary department needs a team lead position, that I’d be the Number One contender for the position.  Which is fantastic.  It would mean the title “Team Lead”, and an increase in pay, which is always a good thing.

But to be honest, I don’t know if I’m ready for that type of responsibility.  Even though there isn’t much difference between what I’m doing now, and what the Team Lead does, I don’t know if I’m up to the task. 

When I was a manager at Domino’s/Burger King, I was a horrible manager.  I freely admit that.  The job is way to stressful for the amount of shit that goes down in a restaurant, and dealing with both idiotic customers and staff was just too much for me.  Back then, I was young, immature, and very stressed out.  Not exactly the ideal management material. 

But now that I’ve really settled into my position at the bank, I have almost no stress, my attitude toward people has greatly improved (considering I don’t deal directly with the public, it’s easy), and I love what I do. So when Hope tell s me that I’m pretty much a shoe-in for Team Lead, I get apprehensive.  I literally almost told her, “No, I don’t want it.”  But I stopped myself. 

“I have been getting better dealing with my stress,”  I told myself.

“Yeah", my brain answered. “But you still have issues with dealing with stupid people.”

“I know,” I replied. “But I can’t stay in the monetary position forever.”

My brain thought this over for a minute. “Then you’ll need to do some learning this year.”

So I voiced to Hope my concerns (without telling her that I was arguing with the voice in my head).  Which was totally the right thing to do.  She also recognizes the fact that although I’ve made tremendous headway in my inter-personal relationships at work, I still have a bit to go before I take the title of Team Lead.

So, basically, I have a bit of work to do this year.  I’m confident that I’ll have Team Lead by this time next year.