Monday, May 25, 2009

in which i appreciate history

The last time I went to the Maine State Museum in Augusta was at least 20 years ago.

I believe it was a 5th or 6th grade trip, where we all went up to visit the museum.

And I was bored to death.  The one thing I do remember about it was that there was a long hallway that went into the exhibits, and a booming voice came over a speaker welcoming you to the museum. My friends and I figured out what tripped the voice and kept setting it off – probably to the dismay of the people there.

But Saturday, I went again.  And I really appreciate it.

I mean, obviously I’m older.  I realize what history has passed and why we as a society need to preserve it. 

And the amount of.. stuff… that the Maine State Museum is amazing.  I have stuff over on my Flickr Page that don’t even begin to show some of the incredible stuff from Maine’s history.

The only downside is the admission.

Not that it’s expensive.  Admission to the museum is $2 for adults, and $1 for kids.  But the sad thing is that the museum doesn’t see a dime from the admission.  All the admissions go directly in to Maine’s General Fund.  And the museum gets a paltry sum from the general fund each year.  I think it’s deplorable that the museum doesn’t get the funds it needs from the state, when it’s one of the few places that is actively preserving the state’s incredible heritage.

I’m planning on writing the governor/senators and see about changing how the museum gets funds allocated to them.

They deserve more that they are getting.  And we need to make sure they get the funds they need.

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