Wednesday, November 05, 2003

The Matrix Re- Re- Loaded

I just got in from the first first showing of "Matrix Revolutions" Ok. And in my new style of blogging, here's what I think of it.

1) Absolutely incredible. The SFX alone are worth it. And the stories loose ends are ALL dealt with and wrapped up, with a a few new loose thread created.

2) The ending is NOT your typical hollywood ending. I won't mention plot details here, but what you think is going to happen, doesn't happen.. and what you think won't happen does. I know it sounds confusing, but believe me it does.

3) If you don't like HEAVY religious overtones in your movies, then this movie is NOT for you. There are more Christ/resurrection/redemption/belief/ascention references than most REAL religious movies. But if you are a scholar of the bible or a Christian, they did a fantastic job of alluding to the Bible and the life of Jesus Christ.

4) As for plot details, I'll give it until at least Monday before I post anything about the movie's details.

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